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Evening with Rolan Bikov

The known Russian actor and children's motion picture producer
On page the photos from personal photoarchive of the site author

Rolan Bikov in the Internet

Anniversary badge of a palace of culture it. Lenin in whom there was this meeting
Very long time ago writer of this page some years played at People's theatre. Once to us in city, "which is not present", has arrived Rolan Antonovich and the head of our folk theatre, Alla Aleksandrovna has dragged it to us for the evening.


Rolan Bikov with tea and with ours "Lubasa"
We have put near to it ours most beautiful actress and certainly give to drink of the Wizard by tea. There was a cool autumn, someone from us sniff by a nose and Visitor has told to us, that for him the cold does not happen.
Once he was shooting in television film "Nose" under the story N.V. Gogol in a role Kovalev. To the actor hardly have drawn a nose by a matter and have covered make-up, with a make-up, so, that on the screen there was a complete absence of a nose. After several hours of shootings a nose "become tempered" and the actor for ever has lost ability to cold.


Interesting case with Rolan Bikov
We listened to the large Wizard having concealed breath. Probably many remember the scene from film "A Dead season", where Savushkin interrogate and beat. If who does not know: the fragile actor should very close stop the hand, and beaten in time to win back impact. Not so professional Baltic the actor is stopped the hand at a great distance. The director speaks: "Is closer, is closer!". Eventually scene was removed naturally, and Bulls has got in hospital.


Smoke break at Rolan Bikov
The very sociable person has told many interesting cases from the life and even it was necessary to make a small break.


Rolan Bikov tells cheerful history
Small growth the Large Director and the Actor told and "showed" us the film about bureaucrats, about Rossia, which he and has not shooting, and we experienced and laughed together with him.


Rolan Bikov signs to us the poster
At the end of meeting he to us has kept the autograph.


Photo on memory with Rolan Bikov
And all of us were together photographed (me in a frame is not present, since I shooting).
To the large actors gets, certainly, on shootings, but they doomed on immortality. Many remember him as: the robber from "Aibolit 66 ", tom-cat Basilio, Logofed, the organizer of measures with accordion from sanatorium, jeweller from "Shirli-mirli", and also its films: "The Automobile, violin and dog Blot", "Stuffed" and other.
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